Palestinian American Bar Association

Upcoming Events and Initiatives

June 1, 2024

Event Page

Overview of Events and Initiatives

Prior Events and Initiatives


PABA aims to connect law students and junior attorneys with practicing attorneys for mentorship.   Mentorship plays an important role in every aspiring legal professional’s career. Law students and junior attorneys can gain key insights, advice, and resources from mentor-mentee relationships, and PABA strives to encourage mentor-mentee relationships across our membership. 


PABA will facilitate networking opportunities for membership through virtual and in-person events. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, please submit a membership application today.


PABA aspires to provide scholarship opportunities in the near future.

Educational Opportunities

One of the many goals of PABA is to share our knowledge and expertise amongst one another, so we may provide sound assistance to our respective underserved and underrepresented communities. PABA was founded with the desire to implement several educational initiatives for our members to learn and grow within PABA, and to continue to educate our communities.  

PABA will host informative legal workshops and webinars open both to PABA members and members of the legal community. We anticipate initiatives focused on various pressing topics, such as member-led discussion regarding the basics of various types of law, analysis of pressing laws, regulations, and rulings affecting Palestinian Americans, employment law seminars regarding knowing your rights in the work-place, and much more. 

Referral Network

Once our referral network is up and running, each PABA member will be added to our internal directory, which will enable all members to connect with one another, share expertise, knowledge and opportunities.  

Rapid Response Group

In our current climate with ever-changing regulations impacting our communities, we need to be able to mobilize efficiently in times of action. Our rapid response group will be created to respond to critical issues facing Palestinian Americans in a timely manner.